Selective Logging level 72





Hache en or incarnat



The Crystarium

Leveling Up

Each Turnin of HQ items will grant a reward of 1,908,900 XP and 8,180 Gil. You will make a gil profit if you can obtain the 1 items for less than 8,180 each.

Level Requires NQ HQ
Turnins Turnins
72 to 73 3,153,000 4 2
73 to 74 3,324,000 4 2
74 to 75 3,532,000 4 2
75 to 76 3,770,600 4 2
76 to 77 4,066,000 5 3
77 to 78 4,377,000 5 3
78 to 79 4,777,000 6 3
79 to 80 5,256,000 6 3
80 to 81 5,992,000 7 4
81 to 82 6,171,000 7 4
82 to 83 6,942,000 8 4
View this Leve solo

Enlistment Highs level 72





Épée en or incarnat



The Crystarium

Leveling Up

Each Turnin of HQ items will grant a reward of 837,620 XP and 2,954 Gil. You will make a gil profit if you can obtain the 1 items for less than 2,954 each.

Level Requires NQ HQ
Turnins Allotments Turnins Allotments
72 to 73 3,153,000 8 4 4 2
73 to 74 3,324,000 8 4 4 2
74 to 75 3,532,000 9 5 5 3
75 to 76 3,770,600 10 5 5 3
76 to 77 4,066,000 10 5 5 3
77 to 78 4,377,000 11 6 6 3
78 to 79 4,777,000 12 6 6 3
79 to 80 5,256,000 13 7 7 4
80 to 81 5,992,000 15 8 8 4
81 to 82 6,171,000 15 8 8 4
82 to 83 6,942,000 17 9 9 5
View this Leve solo