No Refunds, Only Exchanges level 45





Lime en cobalt



Limsa Lominsa

Leveling Up

Each Turnin of HQ items will grant a reward of 212,960 XP and 1,440 Gil. You will make a gil profit if you can obtain the 1 items for less than 1,440 each.

Level Requires NQ HQ
Turnins Turnins
45 to 46 195,000 2 1
46 to 47 214,000 3 2
47 to 48 229,000 3 2
48 to 49 244,000 3 2
49 to 50 259,000 3 2
50 to 51 421,000 4 2
51 to 52 500,000 5 3
52 to 53 580,000 6 3
53 to 54 663,000 7 4
54 to 55 749,000 8 4
55 to 56 837,000 8 4
View this Leve solo

I'd Rather Be Digging level 45





Couteau à pied en électrum



Saint Coinach's Find

Leveling Up

Each Turnin of HQ items will grant a reward of 274,800 XP and 1,478 Gil. You will make a gil profit if you can obtain the 1 items for less than 1,478 each.

Level Requires NQ HQ
Turnins Turnins
45 to 46 195,000 2 1
46 to 47 214,000 2 1
47 to 48 229,000 2 1
48 to 49 244,000 2 1
49 to 50 259,000 2 1
50 to 51 421,000 4 2
51 to 52 500,000 4 2
52 to 53 580,000 5 3
53 to 54 663,000 5 3
54 to 55 749,000 6 3
55 to 56 837,000 7 4
View this Leve solo